I really wanted to say how much I appreciated your really sensible and very practical expertise, which you delivered in such a nice, kind way! Having been a lawyer for a long time I know how difficult it can be to make complex stuff appear very logical, and you did it so well. Thank you!
The intolerance testing was quite a surprise to me as it highlighted the foods that were causing me issues and I would never have guessed the culprits despite my attempts at various elimination diets over the last couple of years.
I came to Lucy because I was suffering with fibroids, fatigue, low iron levels, low mood, skin irritations, very high stress levels and the world was very grey. I had no idea what was causing these symptoms but Lucy did and worked with me to balance my hormones through improving my diet, helping me identify stress and removing it where I could to stop adrenal fatigue. She also got me tested by my GP for hormone levels and she helped me discover a food intolerance that I never would have picked up. The results have been amazing, I feel so much better in myself, have more energy, I understand my diet and what are the good options to eat to help my body look after itself.
It was so encouraging to see my diagnostics move steadily in the right direction each week, something I had previously been battling to achieve but without results.
I've just read through your notes. I feel emotional, you’re the first person to give me a ‘plan’ to work to that makes sense. Thank you!