• Can you beat the winter blues to improve your winter vitality?


        OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHave you noticed how much the weather affects your mood, and wondered what impact this might be having on your health?

        I love the winter by the seaside when we have those beautiful blue crisp days, but more often than not, the rain and wind sets in, everyone starts to feel down. Add to that the nightmare of sitting on the train next to the sneezing commuter with a hacking cough and the misery is complete.

        At this time of year, we are all rushing around trying to fit in shopping and festive arrangements around normal daily life, and inevitably skipping meals or eating and drinking all the wrong kinds of foods and not getting enough sleep. This can leave us even more stressed than normal creating the perfect environment for low immunity and susceptibility to the bugs and germs.

        So what can you do to protect your self and make it through the holiday season and winter  in one piece?

        cold and flu

        Come along to our Beating the Winter Blues Seminar on Tuesday 26th November from 1830-2030 and we will give you some valuable pointers to help you maintain your winter health and vitality. Germs may be unavoidable, but poor diet is one of the immune system’s greatest enemies; but a healthy diet and positive attitude can go a long way towards ensuring you have a happy and healthy winter.

        This 2 hour seminar presented by myself and hypnotherapist and coach Marco Anholts, looks at the psychological and nutritional impact of winter on our health and wellbeing, and will explore how you can lift your mood, build your motivation, and protect the health of you and your family to survive the long inclement months.

        Find out from us:

        • how you can maintain your Vitamin D levels through the winter and why this is so important
        • which foods and nutrients to choose to boost your immunity
        • how the cold dark evenings can help you rediscover yourself
        • how to avoid S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
        • how to  achieve winter wellness and vitality

        We will send you home with practical winter recipes based on seasonal foods and other nutrition tips and tricks. You will also go home feeling energised and motivated – looking forward to the special times winter has to offer.

        The seminar will be held on Tuesday 26 November 1830 – 2030 at Brighton Consulting Rooms, 18a Clermont Road, Brighton BN1 6SG (next to the London Road entrance to Preston Park Station; free on street parking is available).

        The cost is £15 and you can book online by following the link to my Brighton & Hove Wellbeing by the sea page.