This week there has been much written in the press about mental health, but something which is less touched on is a SAD; temporary condition which affects millions of people worldwide throughout the winter months.
SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a condition which can have a profound effect on mood, and mental health from late autumn until the spring. Symptoms can include tearfulness, stress and anxiety, lack of concentration, irritability, feelings of low-esteem and worthlessness and general despair, and in severe cases sufferers can feel suicidal. A lack of sleep can often be a major issue, and it can also influence appetite, immunity and production of feel good hormones such as serotonin, which help us feel positive and motivated.
The main cause is the lack of sunlight, which causes the brain to produce more melatonin; a hormone which helps us sleep at night. Melatonin production is triggered by the brain as darkness sets in, and then cortisol is produced as daylight emerges to help us feel awake and active, so longer darker days can cause hormone imbalance which can impact on many facets of our well being. This hormone shift can encourage comfort eating and binging, blood sugar imbalance leading to mood swings, and weight gain. Another side effect can be an impaired immune system, which can explain why we are so susceptible to colds and flu at this time of year.
So what can you do to beat the winter blues?
Finally, comfort eating is fine if you choose the right options. One pot dishes such as bean and vegetable stews, shepherds pies, fish pies, or curries will give you nutritious filling meals to keep you going until the days start getting much longer!
So, if your friends, family or colleagues are grumpy and irritable this winter, a good place to start is with their diet. After all, as Paul Theroux once wrote “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”
It was revealed by the Food Standards Agency in 2012 that there are over a million cases of food poisoning each year, 20,000 hospitalisations and 500 deaths. This is largely due to the way we store our foods, resulting in growth of bacteria, viruses, and parasites which can pose a serious threat particularly to pregnant and breast feeding women, young children, the elderly, and anyone with impaired immunity.
The good news is that up to 25% of the outbreaks can be prevented with safer practices in the home.
Modern day refrigerators, however, only really became a household kitchen appliance after the Second World War and this modern technology has undoubtedly changed our cooking and eating habits, but not necessarily always for the better!
When pre-technology families relied on ice boxes and snow packed pits to keep their food cold, space was a luxury they seldom had and any available was used for vital staples such as meat, milk and butter. Other foods were preserved using methods such as salting, smoking, spicing, pickling and drying. Seasonal eating was embedded in their lives with fruits and vegetables, by necessity, grown and bought locally.
The arrival of kitchen refrigeration has been a mixed blessing. It introduced the concept of ready meals and pre-prepared foods which many see as a step backwards from healthy eating, but has also allowed us the opportunity to store more luxury foods and to buy and store more exotic and even foreign produce; so arguably whilst home cooking has declined in many homes, and wastage has become an issue, some have been able to embrace more exciting and challenging ingredients.
Safe storage, however, remains paramount, and the temptation is to overstock the fridge, seriously risking cross-contamination and poor air circulation which prevents the fridge from holding its optimum temperature. This can quickly encourage the multiplication of bacteria which can result in unpleasant and potentially life-threatening food poisoning,
Check out your fridge and see if you are cleaning, storing and separating your foods correctly!
Used well and safely, fridges are a valuable solution to busy modern lives, enabling us to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables which are such an important part of our healthy diet; or to batch cook and store healthy home made meals.